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Cosmetic Surgery

Chiseling A Newer, More Confident You

Cosmetic Surgery Services in Boston, MA

Laser services, cosmetic dermatology, and regenerative medicine can take you a long way toward looking and feeling like the “you” you deserve. But sometimes, surgical intervention is necessary to ultimately craft the best version of yourself. At Regeneris Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery in Boston, MA, we use the latest surgical techniques and technologies to chisel a newer, more confident you from the body you’re in right now.

From newer, safer, and less traumatic liposuction techniques, to male chest reduction and face contouring, Regeneris Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery has the procedures, expertise, and highly-trained physicians to refresh your look. Find the cosmetic surgery procedure you need from our growing list below and schedule your consultation today.

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Cosmetic Surgery Services

At Regeneris Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery, we use your consultation as an opportunity to listen to your needs, desires, and medical history. Only then will we recommend the best course of action or combination of treatment options to make your dreams come true.


The “VASER” in VASERlipo stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This procedure uses ultrasound energy to gently emulsify unwanted fat instead of manually pulling or tearing it free—leading to fewer risks, less damage, and greater definition in the target area.

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Some men suffer from a condition called gynecomastia—or excess breast gland tissue. The development of male breasts can damage our confidence, but thankfully they’re not permanent. At Regeneris Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery, our ChestSculpt procedure can give you the flat, sculpted masculine chest you deserve.

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Neck Contouring & Neck Lifting

Genetics, weight loss, and a host of other factors can contribute to sagging skin under the chin, along the jawline, and down the neck and throat. This excess skin can make us look much older than we are or feel. Our neck contouring and neck lift procedures can remove, tighten, and contour for a more youthful appearance.

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Face Contouring & Face Lifting

In a manner of speaking, we are our faces. We see ourselves in the mirror each day and meet people face-to-face. Our face contouring and lifting procedures can take year after year off your appearance, turning back the clock from the mirror to the boardroom to wherever the next party happens.

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A good candidate for cosmetic surgery is someone who does not have risk factors like smoking, drinking, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, or bleeding disorders. Older patients may have more complications or slower recovery than younger patients, depending on the type and extent of the procedure. To prepare for cosmetic surgery, you should stop smoking and drinking six weeks before the procedure. Do not resume until six or more weeks after.

ChestSculpt is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes VASERlipo and HiDef liposculpting. Ultrasound waves break up the fat cells and liquefy them, making them easier to suction out. This reconstructive surgery also tightens loose skin. Unlike typical breast reduction methods (such as infra-areolar scar or nipple inversion), these methods for male chest contouring do not require incision, just small punctures. This allows for faster recovery.

VASERlipo is a form of liposuction that uses ultrasound energy to selectively target and emulsify fat cells, while sparing the surrounding tissues such as blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. This reduces the trauma and bleeding associated with traditional liposuction, and allows for more precise sculpting of the body. VASERlipo also stimulates collagen production and skin tightening, which improves the appearance of sagging skin after fat removal. VASERlipo can be performed under local anesthesia and has a faster recovery time than typical liposuction.

The face lift healing process varies for each person, but generally involves some swelling, bruising, numbness, and discomfort for the first few days. Patients are advised to keep their head elevated and avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks. Stitches are usually removed after a week, and most patients can resume normal activities after two to three weeks. The final results of the face lift may take several months to appear as the swelling subsides and the skin settles.

To maintain the results of aesthetic plastic surgery and prevent signs of aging, you should avoid smoking, drinking, and sun damage. Use sunscreen and moisturizer, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, manage stress, and keep a healthy sleep schedule. Additionally, take care to follow your plastic surgeons’ postoperative care instructions, which may include wound care, medication, restriction of certain activity, and follow-up visits.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

When taken alone or combined with regenerative medicine, cosmetic surgery can have the single most drastic effects on your confidence, your appearance, and your life. Amazing change requires remarkable methods, and our physicians understands how to deliver natural results to match your needs.

At Regeneris Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery, we’ll speak with you, understand your goals, and create a custom plan of action to make the changes you want the most come true.

Schedule your consultation today and look forward to a new fresher face in the mirror.

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